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TAVIP welcomes new members at Sight Village

A team of TAVIP trustees and volunteers were delighted to attend the Sight Village exhibition at Cranmore Park, Birmingham on 28th & 29th June 2022. The picture shows (from left to right) Julian Garner (Development Advisor for TAVIP) alongside the Chair Jeff Bashton and trustees Mike Townsend and Karina Gregory.

After a pause of two years, it was great to be at Sight Village again and to meet so many individuals and professionals from the sight loss sector. We took the opportunity to update people on our new Technology for Work training programme as well as answering a wider range of questions from people about technology, and it was great to recruit so many new members to the charity.

Trustees at Sight Village 2022

We also joined with The Braillists Foundation to host our very popular Tech Chat Live after-party at The Farm Inn not far from Cranmore Park. It was great to meet up with new friends and old to chat over some of the developments in assistive technology and other news from the sector.

Mike Townsend and Julian Garner spoke to Stuart Lawler from Sight and Sound and the interview can be heard below.