Thank you for becoming a member
Thank you for becoming a member of TAVIP, the Technology Association of Visually Impaired People. We are delighted that you have joined and we look forward to assisting you when and where we can.
Details of our services can be found on our webpage about Supporting You. You can also subscribe to our two email lists; the TAVIP Discussion List for technical discussions, and TAVIP Member Announcements for more general news and updates about our work as a charity. You can subscribe or unsubscribe here.
It is free to become a member of TAVIP, but if you would like to make a one-off or annual donation of £20 it will help cover our administration costs. Here is a link to the Donate page. Thank you.
As an organisation we are fully committed to offering our members a positive experience and therefore we welcome any feedback you may have in order for us to continue to improve and evolve our service.
A very warm welcome from the team at TAVIP.